My Second Paper has been reviewed and I recieved confirmation from IEEE that it will be published Soon!

Developed a
Blind Denoising Autoencoder, to reconstruct images.

Git Link
Developed a novel approach to utilise the denoising and light-weight properties of Autoencoders, to reconstruct and denoise images that would solve real-world problems like License plate reconstruction and enahancement of Underwater imagery.

My first published Paper!

Paper Link
I've achieved a milestone in the Machine Learning domain by successfully publishing my paper on, "Waves to Genres: An Ensemble Machine Learning Approach to Music Classification"

I've Started Working at Accenture!

Excited to start my new Role at Accenture as an Associate Software Engineer!
I will be working to develop and maintain Dynamic Web Projects using Java and SpringBoot.

My First Paper is Out to be Publish!

After many rounds of reviews and reflections from the GRENZE Scientific Society, my paper has finally been approved and moves to the next crucial stage, waiting to be published in a prestigious Technology Journal Chapter!

Completed my Project on Music Genre Classification

Git Link
My first high-intensity project has successfully concluded, and I plan to document my work in a paper for publication to solidify my findings.

Scrolled this far?

Click below to get in touch, I am always looking out for new and inquisitive opportunities!

Let's Work Together!